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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Death by

Which was the best, Abdulmalek Rigi was hanged on Sunday morning,20th June in Iran. or Ronnie Lee Gardner was shot through the heart by a five-man team of sharpshooters at approximately 12:20 (06:20GMT) on Friday 18th June in USA.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Oil in Gulf

President Barack Obama wants BP to pay fully for the cleanup of the oil in the gulf of Mexico and compensate all who have lost. BP is 40 percent owned by Americans and they pay American tax on there dividends. So Americans will pay in some way for the disaster.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

British Election

The British election is in May. It is unbelievable that they let one man, non British have such an influence on it's out come. I'm talking about the Australian/American Mr Rupert Murdoch. He owns The Times and The Sun newspapers and Sky news. These have a Hugh influence on the electorate. Sky have one of the three leaders debates which is becoming very influential in this election. Is there any other country where they would let a foreigner have such influence.

Monday, April 19, 2010

New DART station in Dublin

Yet again it only happens in Ireland, a new railway station is opened but the link road is not complete. Why cant we build infracture projects in the proper order. Clongriffin is a new town in north county Dublin half built, now it has a railway station with ample parking but the link roads is not complete.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

British Political Parties

British political parties should do there home work before choosing locations for making speeches or launches during there election campaigns. This week the Labour Part leader went to the Offices of Innocents juice company. It was promoted as a great British success story. But by the end of the week the owner sold out his shares to Coke Cola and other directors criticized the National Insurances rises proposed by Labour.
The Conservatives launched there manifesto at Battersea power station, it is owned by Treasury Holdings but is to be put under control of the Irish National Assets Management Agency 'NAMA'. This is a system to remove bad loans from bank balance sheets, as the loans for Battersea is deemed as a disaster it is going to be put into this agency. Will the Manifesto be seen as a disaster as well.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

European Union

Ireland joined the EEC, European Economic Community which eventually became the European Union. It was based on trade in an open and fair market. A single market for goods and services. How can you now have a single market when one country has devalued its currency by twenty five percent. The United Kingdom should not be allowed get away with this policy.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Shut them down

Football clubs are not paying there tax, in Ireland and England they are spending more time in court trying to dodge their tax bills. If they made an example of one by putting in a liquidator they could solve the problem. We all have to pay our taxes, so instead these clubs giving players ridiculous wages how about they paid there tax.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Milk chocolate or milking the system

Cadbury's boss Todd Stitzer 57 will receive a 12 million sterling payout if he leaves the company when the Kraft takeover happens. Is this in the best interest of the shareholders or just good for himself. Can he make the right decision with this carrot put in front of him. In the third world this would be called corruption, here it called a good deal. You can only feel sorry for the workforce who will pay with there jobs for this takeover.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's 2010

There are 1.3 million people using soup kitchens daily in New York. Yet the bankers are still collecting their bonuses in the same city.

Friday, January 22, 2010


The USA was first and now the French have flown orphans out of Haiti. Is this stealing children or charity ? With no government in place who has given permission. What legal system is going to uphold these adoptions.

Thursday, January 7, 2010