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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Royal Neighbours

There is a Royal wedding in U.K. This week of the future King. When it's all over they are going to live for the next couple of years in Anglsey Wales. Good luck to them. They will be living within 20 miles from The Wylfa Nuclear Power Station. Wylfa houses two 490 MW Magnox nuclear reactors, "Wylfa-1" and "Wylfa-2", which were built from 1963 and became operational in 1971. There beyond there shelf life. They are also 60 miles east of Dublin City with a population of over 1 million.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Keeping Secrets

General David Petraeus, is to become the new director of the CIA. Gen Petraeus (58), is a popular figure credited with pulling Iraq from the brink of civil war after the 2003 US invasion.He will replace Leon Panetta who turns 73 in June. It is going to be tough job. Nobody keeps a secret in the USA. WIKILEAKS let the world see their secrets. Everyone of interest writes books about there past. The press and TV tell the world what the U.S. Military are up to, and what there tactics and there strengths are.
TV shows, documentaries follow them into action. Do they not know the Taliban watch the same shows. Al Qaeda know how to find info on the Internet. Colonel Qaddafi can see the news reports on TV. So the General has a lot to do to keep a few secrets.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Allied Irish Bankrupt

Why is the Irish government( taxpayer)saving the AIB bank. It's going to be a central pillar in the Irish retail banking system. Yet this Bank was rescued before and has a record of reckless trading by individual members of staff in the USA. It should be closed down.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

A few thoughts on Sport this weekend

Tiger Woods should be punished for hitting the ground with his club ( driver ) in a temper. There is no point in giving him a fine of a few thousand dollars because money is no object to him.

Good to see Mr W Rooney loosing his Coke Cola advertising for his bad behaviour.

They should BAN spitting, especally the coaches.

Well done the Indian Premier League for adapting boring cricket into a fast and exciting sport of 20 a 20 cricket

They need to do something about the injuries to players and the long term effects the sport is going to have on there bodies when there finished playing.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Unemployment 23 million

The rate of unemployment across the 17-nation currency euro zone hitting a record 10.1% in October, Some 15.75 million people were looking for work in February. 

Across the wider 27-nation EU, which includes non-euro Britain and Poland, the jobless rate was 9.5% .Some 23.05 million

The highest unemployment rate was recorded in Spain at 20.5%, while the Netherlands had the lowest rate at 4.3%. 

The corresponding rate for the US was 8.9%, and for Japan 4.6%.

Civil unrest will happen if this is not solved as most unemployed are under 25 years old.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

TD holiday

NEW Independent TD Shane Ross, who made banking reform a central plank of his election campaign, was missing for this week's stress-test announcement -- because he was on holidays.
He got elected as a peoples champion for attacking the way the banks were run. This just undermines peoples belief in the political system. Shame on you Shane Ross. Resign now and give back your salary.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Irish Banks

The banks need to be bailed out. Thats the word from the Government. HOW ARE WE GOING TO PAY THIS MONEY BACK ? Where are we going to find up to 20 new Directors to sit on the boards of AIB and BOI and run them professionally.