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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Nuclear power

Germany has announced it will phase out nuclear power production by 2022. So how will it replace the electricity ? It cannott build coal fired generators or build hydro dams ? So we will have to wait and see but the Germans will come up with byte answer.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Unemployment Dangers

Spanish Unemployment Rate Reaches 21.3% in Q1 2011, this is getting close to 5 million unemployed. Youth unemployment is nearly 40%. This week a square in Madrid if full of protesters. It is peaceful but for how long. This will spread to other city's and countries in Europe. Is this the start of mass disaffection with European Union monetary policy and the institutions of the EU.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Share price Madness

LinkedIn’s debut on the New York Stock Exchange at $45 a share, or a valuation of about $4.25 billion, it doubled on opening. This is crazy money. This is an Internet company totally overvalued. There is a trend now in these companies floating or being sold at Hugh prices. This is a bubble and many people will be burned and others becoming billionaire. Beware.
Facebook is on the list of these companies.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Eurovision 2011 facts

The Irish song was written by Swedish Nationals. Daniel Priddy, Lars Halvor Jensen, Martin Michael Larsson.
Azerbaijan is not in Europe. Azerbaijan officially the Republic of Azerbaijan is the largest country in the Caucasus region of Eurasia.
Running Scared is the name of the song, sung by a duet. She is a mother of 2.
Moldova was the country with the pointed hats.
24,000 fitted into the Arena for each shoe.
Kseniia Simonova was the real winner she was the sand artist with Ukraine's Mika Newton. She won the X Factor show in Ukraine.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Evil in the Vatican

"A Vatican spokesman said Mr Mugabe had not been personally invited but as the head of a state with which the Vatican has relations he was entitled to attend."
This man has turned his country from being the bread basket of Africa into a famine torn country. He has spilled blood of anyone who objects to his policies at home. There is an international travel ban on him since 2002. There are millions of Zimbabians refugees all over the world. He is a racist ( he hates whites) just ask the White farmers he has taken there land and handed it over to his supporters. He is propped up by South Africa. At 84 is is one of Africa worse leaders. The Jesuits educated him but never excuminated him, they should be proud today having him as a guest.