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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pixel TV

I have noticed a big increase in television program's having people or adds being pixeled out. Children faces for years have been pixeled out and of course dead bodies, especally in news program's. Now you have adds and brands pickled out in shows like American chopper. Faces are gone in program's like Gypsy Weddings and American auctions. It's most used in police and chase program's. Road Wars, Police action cams etc. RTE television have proDuct placement warnings before shows including the Late Late show.the pixeled out will appear on RTE soon.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What's Irish

What is an Irish product Irish whiskey is owned by the French ( Pernod ) Guinness is owned by UK multi-national ( Diago ) Lyons Tea owned by UK multi-national ( Unilever ) Jacobs biscuits made in the UK. Yoplait is owned by the French. It's a very complaced issue. For example McDonald burger meat for Europe is reared and slaughtered in Ireland. Donegal catch is packed in Ireland. Cheese for pizzas in the UK comes mainly from Ireland. So Buy Irish if you solve the problem of origin.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Board of Directors

Why are the Board of Directors so old in the National Rehabilitation Hospital. It has a budget of €24 million a year. I can see that at least three are in there late 70's or Eighties. This is a very responsible positions. Yet it looks like a old folks club instead of a professional institution.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Do you Know what's on TV ( Part 1 )

With all the new satellite stations now easily available on TV , do you know what's on. Your kids could be watching. Let's start with Guns, On Discovery Channel you have Sons of Guns and American Guns. These shows treat guns as fun and Ausumn, shooting up targets and hope to make guns more deadlier. Then you have Hogg Hunters and swamp people, these are people out to kill living animals. You have many program's about law and order with violence the outcome. So be aware what you kids are watching.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Whale Wars TV are they setting bad precedent ?

Whale wars is a reality show about the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society's campaign against Japanese whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary off the coast of Antarctica.The Japanese claim that their whaling is legally accepted research, which Sea Shepherd and others contend is a cover for banned commercial whaling. Sea Shepherd has been both criticized and praised for tactics of direct action sabotage which include throwing stink bombs of butyric acid as well as ramming, boarding, and otherwise attempting to disable the Japanese vessels. If it was a US ship being attacked by Japeneese it would be piracy or war. It leaves me mystified. Making reality TV on one persons view of whaling and making it entertainment. Would the English make a reality TV show with hunt sabatures being seen as Heros ?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Proud members of the EU

As Irish people we are proud being a member of the European Union. We have acquired millions from the Common Agriculture policy "CAP" and structural funds. We see our selves as good Europeans. We are a neutral country and never joined NATO. We send our troops on UN peace missions. Today I read that EU attack Helicopters fired on a Somalia pirates village and sunk 4 boats. When did we join a EU army and give permission for the EU to go on an offensive mission. It's proberely ok to attack these pirates but it would be nice to have been asked.

Politically correct

The Mettopolition police have banned the words " putting people on black lists " if they do something. Well according to them using the word black is offensive; so you have to call it a "Red " list. This Political correctness gone Mad.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Food in Dublin

I have taken some facts from a survey taken by to show rip off Dublin is getting cheaper. DUBLIN is the seventh cheapest city to order a club sandwich, according to a global league table of the popular hotel . The classic chicken, bacon, egg, lettuce and mayonnaise sandwich costs €24.82 in Paris, where prices range from €41.53 in a five-star hotel to €17.04 in a two-star hotel. This compares with an average €11.64 sandwich in Dublin, a €12.41 sandwich in New York and a €13.96 sandwich in London. London was ranked the tenth most expensive city in the league table, making it cheaper than cities including Copenhagen, Rome and Tokyo but more expensive than Hong Kong, Berlin and Amsterdam. The cheapest of the 26 cities in the so-called Club Sandwich Index (CSI) is New Delhi, where the average Club costs €6.98. In total 750 prices of a Club Sandwich were measured across 750 hotels. The cheapest food In Dublin can be bought in IKEA's restraunte but I don't think they sell club sandwiches.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Democracy in England

There were referendums in England asking did certain City's want elected Mayors. Most said no. For a country that loves democracy and goes to war for others to have democracy's; the turnout was very low. Birmingham there second biggest city. With a population of millions the turnout was just over 200,000. So much for politics. Riots gets more coverage. This is a bad sign for democracy.