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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Batman shooting. Kids !

Batman shooting ! The youngest victim was a 6 yearold girl. There was a couple with a four yearold boy and a four month old. This was a midnight show ! Why were they there ? What dose say about American society ? This was in a middle class area. Is it normal to have kids going to cinemas so late at night. Modern Batman movies are dark and violent and loud, are they suitable for young childern ? R.I.P. all those who died and my sympathy with those who are now scared for life with injuries and mental stress for the rest of there lives.

Monday, July 2, 2012

European Championship & British Media

It over, after weeks of soccer. The British media must be disappointed. No riots, no racism, no sign of neo nazies. All there doom and gloom did not come true. The stadiums were perfect, finished well built, green grass that could take a down poure of heavy rain.. Ticket sales were great. No empty stadiums. Happy fans having a good time. The Britism media years ago started with delays in building the stadiums, then the roads and railways. Then there would be no hotel rooms in Ukraine. Then riots at Polish league games and how the British fans would be targeted. Then they got into racism, how the players would be treated. Then they got former players to tell the public there lives would be at risk. So the British fans did not travel in big numbers. In Ireland the fans did not get all this media frenzy and traveled. The worst that happened was a disturbance on a bridge with Russian and Polish fans, and a few racist chants at coloured players. These were un acceptable but not wide spread. So a great tournament for all except the British media. Yet they still sold there cheap and nasty newspapers.