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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Lillian Tintori - tragedy in the making !

  1. Lilian Adriana Tintori Parra (Caracas, 5 May 1978), is a Venezuelan human rights activist and the wife of politician Leopoldo López Mendoza, National Coordinator of the party Popular Will (Voluntad Popular), arrested by the government.
    She was a record breaking wind surfer and TV & Radio presenter before marrying Leopoldo. She is now an Activest. She could be the next tragic First Lady of South America. She could end up like Myanmar’s opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Her husband could be murdrered and she could be put under house arrest. Eventually after a civil war she could becoming President. It could be so different. 

    In 1958 Venezuela became a democracy. However in 1998 Hugo Chávez was elected president. Chavez introduced a left wing regime in Venezuela and introduced his "The Bolivian Revolution". Chavez was re-elected in 2006 after spending nearly all the states reserves on social programs at home and subsidising other anti American countries with cheap oil. He allied Venezuela with Cuba. However Chavez died in 2013. He was replaced by Nicolás Maduro. Nicolás Maduro Moros is the President of Venezuelae since 2013. Previously he served under President Hugo Chávez as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2006 to 2013 and as Vice President of Venezuela from 2012 to 2013. He took over from Chaves.

    The social programs that came into being during the term of Hugo Chávez sought to reduce social disparities and were funded in large part by oil revenues. The sustainability and design of the welfare programs have been both praised and criticized. The oil price has dropped & production has been reduced with no new investment. The economy is crippled with ques for everything including toilet paper. Corruption is rife.

    In a democracy, Mr Maduro would have little hope of surviving as president past next year. The government’s ruinous economic policies have caused shortages of basic consumer goods and medicines and a sharp rise in inflation and poverty. Its approval ratings are below 20%.
    The fear is that the government is prepared, if all else fails, to declare a state of emergency and suspend the constitution. Evidence is growing that it will do whatever it takes to hold on to power.