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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Help Japan

This is a copy of a letter to Junior Minister of Foreign Affairs

Dear Minister Jan O'Sullivan
Japan is in crisis. It has tens of thousands homeless after the tsuamni. We have thousands of empty houses and hotels from the failed tiger economy. It a pity we could not find a way to take some Japanese for a year and put them up while accomadition is being built for them at home. It might be only a little help but at least it would be something and give the Irish people a chance to help. Take the empty Montrose Hotel for example, we could reopen it for a year and look after some Homeless Japanese citizens. Volunteers could help them while here, Nippon airways could fly them in. Sending them €1 million through the Red cross is a very poor response with no input from the public. This would show our hospitality at it's best.

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