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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Beware of pressure Sore's

Beware of pressure Sore's

Six months, three weeks and four days, that the hospital time I have just paid for getting a pressure sore. I was in an isolation room in the annex of St Michael's. Four operations, five litres of blood, 3 trips to St Vincent's for pic lines and once to the HDU ward. I had a Vac machine for months before I entered the hospital and again between the operations. Mr Carroll ( God bless him ) the plastic surgeon tried a skin graph but it did not take so he did a muscle flap. The sore was on my hip so he opened the skin on my leg and rapped the muscle around the hip bone afters cleaning out the dead tissue. I had to lie on one side and my back for the 6 months. The staff were wonderful but they were not use to a spinal cord patient so I had to teach them how to handle me. The hospital had no shower trolly ( believe it or not ) so they got one. So all I can advise you look after your skin and remember prevention is better than what I have just gone true.
One last nightmare while in hospital was that my apartment flooded the night of the storm in October, all the wooden floors were destroyed.

Martin Sinnott C5/6 complete
28 February 2011

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