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Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Pain for Spain

Spain's unemployment rate is 24.44%. The number of unemployed increased to 5.639 million from 5.273 million in the previous quarter, when it crossed the 5 million mark for the first time. The figure is expected to rise in coming months due to the government's tough austerity measures. There has not being the riots we see in Greece. They are not all broke as I have just watched the Spanish Moto Grand Prix with 103,000 in attendance.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Harry and his gun

Prince Harry has been awarded the the Atlantic Council Award for Distinguished Humanitarian Leadership for his charitable works on behalf of wounded servicemen, officials said Monday. This is the same Harry that was filmed shooting in Afghanistan how does this stand up. He was trying to kill some one ?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Health & Safty now food Safty Authorty

In the UK the health and Saftey have for years gone over the top with warnings and rules. Kids can't play without safety rules ect. Now the Food Safty Authority is heading the same way. They have a Cancer chemical alert over crisps and coffee as Food Standards Agency identifies 13 at-risk products Food firms in Britain have been warned about the presence of a cancer-risk chemical in everyday products ranging from crisps and chips to instant coffee and ginger biscuits. The chemical is called Acrylamide, they are still doing studies. They are warning that it's dangerous to eat burnt toast or dark crisps or anything that is over cooked and turns black. Ginger nut biscuits are on the list. There is no proof that there is a positive risk. Bad science and civil servents covering there backs. Totally riduclas response, scaring the public again. It not helped by the media making a big story out of nothing.

Friday, April 20, 2012

German football and money

BERLIN (AP) - The German Football League has secured an increase in income of more than 50 percent for television rights to the Bundesliga in a four-season deal starting next year. The deal announced Tuesday starts with the 2013-14 season and runs through to 2016-17. It leaves the main players unchanged, with Sky television keeping the live broadcast rights and ARD public television retaining the highlights rights of Bundesliga matches. The league, or DFL, said it will bring in about €2.5 billion ($3.3 billion) in total. That amounts to about €628 million per year on average, compared with €412 million per year at the moment. Sky Deutschland added live broadband Internet television and mobile rights to the live pay TV broadcasting package for the top two divisions it already held, and said it will pay an average €485.7 million per year." This is the latest news of German football, it attract great attendances but are they going to kill the league with to much money. The Premiership in England has overpaid players who once they get big money don't try very hard while playing. Sky has to much influence in deciding when the games are played 2 live matches Saturday, 3 Sunday, monday night, to much football when they want it. The behaviour of the players, managers and owners has been influenced by to much money around. I hope the Germans don't let the money ruin there football.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

It's all right India

India successfully test-fired today a nuclear-capable missile that can reach Beijing and Eastern Europe. The Agni V is the most advanced version of the indigenously built Agni, or Fire, series, part of a programme that started in the 1960s. So it's ok for India to have nuclear weapons ! America and Europe have not complained. A French company is selling them 100 advanced jet fighters, and America will sell them anything they want.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Television Adds

There are a lot of adds on TV at the moment for over 50 life insurance. Presented by TV Stars Michael Parkinson's ect. You invest a fixed amount every month and get a fixed lump sum when you die. No medical check is needed. Sounds great. BUT ! You can never get out of these contracts. You have to keep upl payments or you loose the lot. If you don't die early you will properly put in more than you get out. Most importantly inflation is not taken intolerance account so you lump sum might sound good now but in 10 or 20 years they could be very small value for money. In ten years there will be investigation into the selling of these products. You heard it hear first.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Democracy flawed !

Democracy is flawed and causing problems world wide. People don't like being taxed. It is impossible to be elected President of America by raising taxes. So they have a national dept of billions. Here in Ireland we have no property tax and are having trouble introducing one, even though we need one to pay for health and education. It's the same in most democracies. But there is not alternative YET.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Satellites Week

America got very upset when North Korea launched a satellite into the air. It never got into space as it blew up. But in the same week the United States set up a Spy satellite on a Delta rocket. No one knows what it will do, yet the world did not give out to them. In Europe the European Space agency lost contact with it's weather satellite which was up there since 2002. It had passed it's life expectancy by 5 years.