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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Health & Safty now food Safty Authorty

In the UK the health and Saftey have for years gone over the top with warnings and rules. Kids can't play without safety rules ect. Now the Food Safty Authority is heading the same way. They have a Cancer chemical alert over crisps and coffee as Food Standards Agency identifies 13 at-risk products Food firms in Britain have been warned about the presence of a cancer-risk chemical in everyday products ranging from crisps and chips to instant coffee and ginger biscuits. The chemical is called Acrylamide, they are still doing studies. They are warning that it's dangerous to eat burnt toast or dark crisps or anything that is over cooked and turns black. Ginger nut biscuits are on the list. There is no proof that there is a positive risk. Bad science and civil servents covering there backs. Totally riduclas response, scaring the public again. It not helped by the media making a big story out of nothing.

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