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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Paralympics Problems


There are two major problem with the Para Olympics. The classification and the equipment. The Classification system defines an individual's level of disability and bunches them together ( there are 27 different 100m gold medals to compete for ). This is suppose to level the playing field but there is to much room for error or cheating. ( China had 700 athletes reclassified before the games ). 
Then there is the equipment. The richer you are you can afford the best and most expensive equipment ( wheelchairs, limbs etc ) competing against inferior equipment. 
Team UK tested chairs in wind tunnels with chairs costing €30,000 up. The limbs can be replaced by Blades but this is also a problem with the famous South African blaming his loss on the size of the Brazilians  blades. 
So keep these in mind when your watching.

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