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Friday, December 21, 2012

Cooking Season

How many cooking shows can they show on UK and Irish TV channels in December 2012 ? Nearly every night. What am I saying every Morning, noon & night. On different channels. The chefs are house hold names. BBC even has repeats such as Saturday Kitchen on Sunday. Master Chef has three versions Junior, ,professional and celebrity, oh that's four when you count the one for the public. Oh yes then there is the international version's, I've seen an Irish & Australian versions.
Then you get the travel, cooking shows. Nice holidays for the chefs. Then there is the campaigning food shows, Jamie Oliver saving children from school meals ( well ,the turkey twirls ) in then UK ,and USA. "Sustainable fish, vegetables, veal " get a cause and make a food series.
Baking is the new HOT topic for the cooking shows. In a tent in the UK . It's so popular that sales of flower has increased and cake declarations are taking up more space in the supermarkets.
The advice can be interesting on Irish TV were told to put the tin foil on the Brest of the Turkey leaving the legs uncovered as they take longer to cook. In England they advise to rap the legs in foil as you want the breast to have a bronze colour.
Beware there are more to come in the new year, if you can survive the Christmas cooking season.

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