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Thursday, September 25, 2014

USA foreign Policy

 Barack Obama   is the fourth straight US president to bomb Iraq - the last president to not commit to such an action was Ronald Reagan.

the Islamic State are armed with state-of-the-art US-made weaponry captured from fleeing Iraqi troops. In short, the US is bombing its own weapons.

In 2008 the U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said about Gaza.
“Do we have to continue like this: build, destroy, and build, and destroy? We will build again -- but this must be the last time to rebuild. This must stop now,” 

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). UNRWA provides direct humanitarian aid, human development, and protection for more than 5 million Palestine refugees registered with the Agency. UNRWA USA is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit that supports the work of UNRWA through fundraising, education, and advocacy. 

( 2008-2009 President George W. Bush said "We care about the people of Gaza, and, therefore, have provided millions of dollars of fresh aid to the United Nations to help". President Barack Obama authorised the use of $20.3 million in emergency funding for immediate humanitarian assistance to Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in the Gaza Strip. )

USAID has funded multiple projects in the West Bank and Gaza to improve infrastructure, providing funds to companies willing to do the job. One of them was International Relief and Development, a U.S.-based organization.

In August 2008, IRD was awarded a five-year, $300 million contract for construction activities in the West Bank and Gaza, as part of a USAID program designed to contribute to “the building of new infrastructure required for a viable Palestinian state.”
( July 2014 The U.S. is sending $47 million in humanitarian aid to the besieged Gaza Strip )

In 2012 the United States foreign aid given by the United States to gaza/ West Bank was $457million.

The United States is the largest single supplier of military equipment to Israel. 
Between 1998-2005 the U.S. Gave Isreal $9.1 billion military Aid.

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