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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Animals in Ireland

We love animals in Ireland but did you know how many we have. Going back to pre history the Cow was mentioned. It was the cause of wars between Chieftans. The high kings or Ireland wealth was counted in cattle numbers.
Our love of horses is world famous, we exported thousands for the First World War. We breed thorough breds for the billionaire. The studs are International owned.
We feed kids in European throughMcDonalds burgers. Lamb is exported to France as quality cuts. Live cattle are back been exported to Libya and Egypt. China can't get enough of our dry milk baby food and the skins off the cattle. So how mand aninals have we here in Ireland. Well be amazed when you read the numbers that follow.
The total numbers for spring of 2013 for the Republic of Ireland.

Cattle 6,754,000
Sheep 5,170,000
Pigs           1,570,600
Horse & ponies 111,100

The numbers are up slightly but with a fodder shortage this spring with the unusual weather they could be down next year

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