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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Global Warming

Everyone agrees there is global,warming. But who do you blame & what is the cause ?
Well I have an opinion ! I'm not an expert but have looked at the data, read the articles ! So here goes, my opinion.
The Magnetic North has moved south. The tilt of the earth has shifted. It effect the atmospheric pressure on Earth. This has shifted the pattern of wind around the world causing unusual weathers patterns, causing storms, droughts et al.
"Wind is caused by differences in atmospheric pressure. When a difference in atmospheric pressure exists, air moves from the higher to the lower pressure area, resulting in winds of various speeds. On a rotating planet, air will also be deflected by the Coriolis effect, except exactly on the equator. Globally, the two major driving factors of large-scale winds (theatmospheric circulation) are the differential heating between the equator and the poles (difference in absorption of solar energy leading to buoyancy forces) and the rotation of the planet" *1

Is this a permently shifted or its a cycle over millions of years we do not know. There is little we can do. Except trying to control man made carbon going into the athomasphere but there is so much going into the air thought the seas and other natural ways. Deforestation must be reduced.

These are my rumblings but it my option !

1. Wikipedia

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